Sunday, August 21, 2016

Dear Hillary    Its me Bob  I’m fine thanks – and you?

Out here in the liberal bubble we have been singing a new campaign song
Somebody Wake Me Shake Me When its over

I wrote you a speech. 
Here it is. You're welcome.

My fellow Americans
I am a human being and I have made mistakes. Odds are I will make more in the future. 
When I set up my own e-mail server in Chappaqua I thought it was  the best way to juggle my private and official e-mail. The server was no secret and it was ok with all the smart security focused people at the highest levels of government that I relied on. Turns out to have been a big dumb mistake. I'm sorry. By the way I'm 68 years old. Do you think I have any idea how a server works?
  Until they replace the Presidency with an IPhone App you will have to accept the fact that a human will sit in the oval office. From today going forward when I make a mistake I will tell you about it, learn from it and fix the problem that caused it. 
There’s another mistake that needs to be fixed. My campaign and the Democratic Party has not been listening to the people in America’s devastated heartland who are hurting and scared of the future. We need to understand why these folks were so easily bamboozled by that venom spewing, fact free, gold plated con artist who has never lifted a finger anyone but himself. 

Bernie Sanders understood this problem and I did not. Remember what I said about learning from mistakes and making corrections based on what we learn? Today I’m announcing that Bernie Sanders will be my Secretary of Health and Human Services. To my friends on Wall Street and the Republican refugees don’t worry. I’m still your friend Hillary but it's in all of our interests that we do something now about this obvious threat of a post election national earthquake. The time to “wake me and shake me” is before its over.