Donald Trump, President of Trump U
This course is intended to equip students with the basic tools to understand the operation of a modern economy. Students will learn how to inherit a large sum of money.
Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies
An interdisciplinary curriculum through which students can examine the histories, languages, and cultures of the world's racial and ethnic groups to answer the question - what the hell is going on out there?
Trump University emphasizes the importance of having educated people study foreign languages and then finding and hiring those people. Trump students will focus on understanding what their gardener's are saying.
Study Abroad
Trump University encourages students to expand their education by exposure to diversity and to challenge their comfort zones. During the second year students must play at least 18 holes at a course not owned by Donald Trump.
Code of Student Conduct
At Trump University we are not obsessed with political correctness. We encourage students to express any passing random thought no matter how half baked, offensive or idiotic. They should do this loudly in front of as many people as possible. If someone interferes with this free expression of ideas, students are permitted to beat the crap out that person. President Trump will pay all legal fees.
School Mascot “Donny”