Consider the possibility that by not giving them a target maybe - just maybe - he's depriving the ReFoxicans of oxygen
This week the best Sara Palin could come up with was criticizing Michelle Obama for trying to reduce childhood obesity. She said that Michelle Obama "should get off our back and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions". As an act of protest she gave a cooking lesson on her TV show about how to make s'mores.
This is Sara Palin's solution to the epidemic of childhood obesity
John McCain emerged from the “dont ask dont tell” vote looking like a mean spirited homophobic dinosaur as conclusively proven by this photo
For at least a few days - with no small thanks to Jon Stewart - the Republican 911 smoke machine is down for repairs
On the Arms Control treaty Senators McConnell and Kyl found themselves out manuevered and standing alone on one side of the dance floor staring at Obama holding hands with Condoleeza Rice, Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, George Bush Sr and Angela Merkel
Without an easy target, Rush Limbaugh - the Wizard of the Wingnuts - was forced to float even further away from earth's gravitational pull to dream up this for his web site this week-
The Latest from Rush.. |
START Treaty is Part of Obama's Effort to Disarm the United States |
It's the lifelong dream of Obama and Democrats. |
Check out a little prior barking on this subject at
As the forces of darkness pick up their black satin capes from the dry cleaners and get ready to take over Congress and the new Chair of the Homeland Security Committee, Rep. King gears up for his anti Muslim witch hunt hearings . . .
the first turtle has been busy putting one foot after the other and racking up an impressive list of year end accomplishments
A friend responds
You're a very optimistic guy. I can hear the melody line of "I'm A Believer" in the background.Maybe you're right. May it be so. I am picturing that turtle flattened on the median of the highway trying to get across.