White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs announced that President Obama, has made plans to sneeze sometime during the week following Labor Day.
In Texas, emails and calls immediately flooded into the offices of school officials from enraged parents. One parent calling into the Rush Limbaugh show, said
It feels like it's the beginning of a government take over of something and I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit quietly waiting to find out what it is while the left wing indoctrinates our children with their liberal sneeze oriented life style agenda.
Anticipating widespread news coverage, the day after the sneeze, State and Local school districts in Texas have announced plans to allow children to stay at home or to attend prayer meetings in the gymnasium chapels to avoid being inadvertently exposed to post sneeze news coverage or sneeze related classroom discussions.
Texas state education officials have also been dispensing blinders and ear plugs from a stockpile available for parents who have demanded that their children wear them during science classes.
Here is a sampling of conservative media responses;
This is exactly how fascism starts. First Obama sneezes, then Pelosi and before you know it sneezing storm troopers are kicking in our doors. It's like we
elected Sadaam Husein and Mussolini at the same time.
Be sure to catch this evening's three hour Fox News Special Report -Obama's secret plan to make people say "Gesundheit", instead of "God Bless You" and What the Average Citizen Can Do To Fight Back Before Its Too Late. Sunday 7-10 ET
Sean Hannity
He's probably going to use some woosy hanky with a monogram.
Anne Coulter
Once again these thought control liberals are not telling us the whole story people! Don't fall for this. How much more proof could anyone need that this guy is not an American? It makes me so mad that I almost finished a sentence without mentioning Chappaquidick and using the word socialism.
Rush Limbaugh
Big deal. Last week I got sneezed on by a moose. At first I thought it was Todd. I yelled "Hey Bullwinkle" - sounds like you could use a litte Obama care - then I wasted him.
Sarah Palin
Dick Cheney, reached at the Halliburton underground golf course in McLean,VA. issued this statement;
This kind of reckless advance warning of a presidential sneeze, which I would never have allowed, is exactly the kind of thing that encourages our enemies and will certainly lead to a major terrorist attack. Mark my words - what this sneeze produces will certainly be all over Obama's hands.