Don’t worry you won’t have to waste time thinking.
1.The constitution protects religious freedom for everyone
a. except for people who are unpleasant
2. In a democracy after a presidential election the winner gets to be president
a. unless he has dark skin and was sent here as an infant from a far away land to destroy our way of life.
3. All we have to do to save the US economy and create jobs is to;
a. give billions in tax cuts to the wealthiest people in America and they will take care of us.
4. We can’t afford medical insurance for 40 million uninsured Americans because that’s socialism but it’s ok to flush billions into the sewer each day to pay for Bush’s Iraq invasion based on a big fat lie .
because at least at least none of the money is being spent to help
A. “those people”
5. We need less government and more freedom;
A. except for gay or pregnant people.
6. According to Rush Limbaugh($37 million a year), Glenn Beck ($32 million a year), Sean Hannity ($20 million) and Sarah Palin( $12 million since stepping down as Alaska Gov) the growing gap between rich and poor is bad is not a problem and anyone who says otherwise is
a. a socialist
See "Income inequality to Big to Ignore" Robert H. Frank NYTimes, Sunday 10/17/10
7. True or False
On September 11, 2010 at a memorial service did a certain grizzly maverick show that she would never exploit the sacred memory of the 911 victims for her own political purposes with this comment;
.Tonight I think I'll see some of you at a Glenn Beck event that we have in Anchorage. Woohoo! I know. What would we do without Fox News? I don't know .answer - You betcha!
Here's the clip of her saying it
Well? How did you do?
Remember- If you’re angry and frustrated hang on because the ReFoxicans are poised to take back the wheel.
Take a look at this time line for a reminder of how things worked out in the eight years the ReFoxicans had the car keys from 2000 (Dow 10,794) to 2008 (Dow Jones 9,000)
What the Hell Just Happened? A Timeline of the Bush Years