To my college graduating twin daughters-
Sorry about an economy in which a kid with a college degree is thrilled to land a volunteer internship
Sorry about Sarah Palin and her armed angry mobs of religious fundamentalists who don't give much of a hoot about post embryonic lives other than their own - unless you're in a coma - then they’ve got your back
So let me shift gears and tell you what makes me feel better about the future.
- using micro financing to set up a coop for folks to sell home made specialities in an Appalachian town ravaged by mountain top removal mining
- retrofitting diesel trucks to run on restaurant vegetable oil waste
- hanging a banner from Mt Rushmore with Obama's photo that reads " America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming."
- sailing with an all female crew on a schooner off the coast of Maine teaching high school girls self reliance
-or making a documentary about one woman’s struggle to feed her family fresh food in an inner city “food desert”
A few weeks ago we sat teary eyed through two graduation ceremonies - parents hugging their fresh faced beaming kids thinking about how we once changed your diapers. Now we're handing you the keys to the world and feeling pretty lousy about what a clunker it is.
Sorry you guys
Sorry about an economy in which a kid with a college degree is thrilled to land a volunteer internship
Sorry about Rush Limbaugh - the love child of a menage a trois between Joe McCarthy, Father Coughlin and Moby Dick
Sorry about the Tea Party desecrating pictures of the first African American president with a Hitler mustache while claiming its about health care reform when everyone knows the real reason
Sorry about Iraq, when George Bush proved Lincoln wrong - in fact, you can fool most of the people most of the time
Sorry about Afghanistan - Check out Pete Seeger singing "Waste Deep in the Big Muddy”
Sorry about the Middle East where the wing nuts on both sides are keeping each other in power with their co-dependent addiction to hopeless conflict
Oy vey - that was more depressing than I thought it would be. I'm sorry about that also.
So let me shift gears and tell you what makes me feel better about the future.
First of all you guys and how proud I am of you both.
Then there are the stories of what some of your buddies are up to
- using micro financing to set up a coop for folks to sell home made specialities in an Appalachian town ravaged by mountain top removal mining
- retrofitting diesel trucks to run on restaurant vegetable oil waste
- hanging a banner from Mt Rushmore with Obama's photo that reads " America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming."
- sailing with an all female crew on a schooner off the coast of Maine teaching high school girls self reliance
-writing songs in Chinese, performing at CBGB-type clubs in China while running a one man home made bagel business out of his Beijing apartment
-spending a semester in Kabul in a school set up to teach boys and girls how to skateboard (check out Skateistan)
-or making a documentary about one woman’s struggle to feed her family fresh food in an inner city “food desert”
and now you and your generation will have a turn at the wheel.
Im also sorry about having no wisdom to offer to make it easier
except maybe
have fun, always know where you are and where you're going and remember that people who confidently give directions are often clueless
Most importantly - drive safely