Door to door getting out the vote Loraine County Ohio

Poll watching and voter protection in Oberlin Ohio

and our stock appears to have gone up in the marketplace of nations . . .
From a friend in France
Dear friends.
America we love is back…
I have already forgotten the former President’s name … who was it???
Obviously, a Bushless White House is the one we prefer.
All the best to you and you and your family, I hope we’ll meet again next year, we would like to come and see what America looks like with Obama..
From a friend in Belgium
Congratulations America!
A great day for your country and the world!
more from other French friends
Congratulations ! you can be very proud again to be Americans, you did the right thing, I was amazed by his speech in Chicago, Let"s hope he will be able to carry all the necessary changes.
Pia and Jean-Pïerre
a friend in Ohio received this from France
I cried when I heard Obama's speech and saw all these faces listening to him. In fact I even cried hearing McCain's speech which was almost eloquent. The capacity of Americans to be... Americans is great. In France and Europe in general people tend to be or pretend to be cynical and that is disturbing.
. . . and finally from a relative in Canada
All sorts of people here saying they are proud to be American now, and I had no idea they were. But I feel the same way. What a distance has been travelled! Congratulations to all of you there, and much love, Alice