The world economy is hanging on a brilliant, unflappable ray of sunshine named Obama waiting to break through the dark clouds. In this limbo period the wing nuts are divided, defeated and gasping for oxygen.
Al Quaida responds to the election by spitting out a racist smear.
Sean Hannity interviews, newly minted Fox "consultant" Karl Rove and makes Rove look like a moderate reminding Hannity, in essence, that he might want to wait until the theatre opens before shouting fire.
You can't say they arent trying. Hannity's web page came up with a reminder that AG nominee Eric Holder defended the seizure of Elian Gonzalez. There's a pressing current issue!
Confirming the breath taking sea change the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal ran editorials praising Obama.
From the WSJ editorial 11/28/08 "Obama's War Cabinet"
With these personnel picks, Mr Obama reveals a bias for competence, experience and continuity. Hence the caterwauls from his left flank"
They can’t figure out how to justify praising Obama’s intial appointments and they certainly can't suggest that they might have bet on the wrong horse so they have concocted an “angry” left wing and an alienated “anti war faction” to preserve an illusion of daylight between themselves and Obama's supporters. The "caterwauls from his left flank"? Turns out to be one posting on the Nation's web site from someone who disagrees with Obama. Its the Murdoch theory of journalism - if the facts you need to make a point don't match the reality - be creative.
From the NY Post editorial 11/28/08
Opposition to the Iraq War may have helped Obama make it to the White House, but now that time to govern is nearing, he's choosing people who bring a
reality-based worldview to the security challenges facing the nation.
In other words that silly opposition to the most disastrous costly dishonest foreign policy fiasco in American history vs post election realpolitik. They do have a point - "keep Gates at defense" would not have worked as a campaign platform This is about Obama's extraordinary reservoir of trust and good will at a time of financial collapse and two hopeless wars.
On the Fox News web site we see this headline
“Liberals Angry Over Obama Keeping Gates as Pentagon Chief”.
Who is this crowd of angry liberal's - two former congressional staffers. One used the word “disappointed” because of Gates prior support for torture and another guy would have preferred Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska or Sen. Sam Nunn of Georgia. Thats it - no kidding
Liberals are angry? - oh no - man the barricades - take to the streets - where's Jean Val Jean?
What the heck are these guys talking about? This is the happiest time in the history of American liberalism. They will have to do better and they probably will but boy are they having an identity crisis - or what?
Then there's Rush Limbaugh the guy who has never troubled himself with facts before smearing sends a not so coded shout out on his web sight to his neanderthal bigot demographic observing with dismay that the press "dutifully stood up" as Obama walked to the podium for his press conference. A demonstration of respect for the President Elect of the United States and he's pissed off. So much for patriotism and supporting the Commander in Chief in war time. Like the troubled overweight adolescent bully yelling sarcastic insults from the corner of the playground, Limbaugh contemptuously called Obama "the Messiah" in the same posting.
The right wing locomotive has stalled but its not derailed. Limbaugh - todays Father Couglin - the hate spewing, radio demagogue of the 1930's - not missing a beat is preaching his own coded hate filled message to today's lunatic, angry, fringe - the nut jobs we all worry about.
Even the image of a marginalized Limbaugh is part of a reshuffled political landscape unimaginable before the election. Whatever the right needs to do to realign itself behind Obama is OK by me - Murdoch gets it. Obama is and promises to be unlike any leader America has seen since Roosevelt.