Friday, April 20, 2007

A proposal to fight racist profiling by police

The first step to solving a problem is honestly identifying it. The problem is not racial profiling - its racist profiling.
Every human being profiles. When our kid brings a new friend home - we profile. When we decide who to sit next to on a long train ride - we profile. If we are alone on an isolated street at 2 AM and a person is coming the other way - we profile. If you're a cop approaching a car that you've just stopped for speeding and reckless driving- you profile.
The problem is that profiling is so often based on ignorance, irrational fear and racial bias. An antidote to ignorance, irrational fears and racism is to form personal relationships that cross cultural, racial and class divides.

A small proposal
Police cadets should be required to spend a month living with the family of a fellow police cadet from a different race or ethnic group.
This monitored and structured program will teach the cadet something and it will also inform the police department about the cadet. If he or she gets bad reports from the family (especially the ten year old kid and his or her friends) the department may find out that this is not a person to be trusted with a gun and a badge.