I fell asleep watching the KochFoxican take over of the US Senate on election day and I had this dream . . .
Obama’s at his desk speaking to the nation the morning after election day.
My fellow Americans, last night’s election reminded me of the farmer who said the only way he can get his mule’s attention is by hitting it over the head with a 2 by 4. OK America – you got my attention.
Republican voters have bought the two big myths about whats wrong with America- that government is picking their pockets and giving their money to deadbeats and that things would be better if only rich people could get their hands on more money.
Like the slickest trial lawyers that ever bamboozled a jury the Republicans and their 24/7 friends at Fox News have convinced every day people that their interests are the same as the Koch Brothers. That's a pretty good trick. I tip my hat to them. They had some Democrats so terrorized that they wouldn't even admit who they voted for in the last national election.
Americans who vote Republican are not stupid. They are just so busy trying to get by, pay their bills, hold onto their jobs, raise kids, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table that they are sitting ducks for the Republican smoke machine.
It's time to take back the narrative. If spoken to directly and honestly American voters will understand that they are being fed complete hokum. Every day for the next two years people will hear from me with a message that is strong, loud and clear;
- that the Republican goal of bringing back the emergency room as America’s primary care provider is a bad idea
- that the immigration problem cannot be solved by inflicting suffering on people whose only crime was risking everything to give their kids a better life.
- that no one is taking away anyone’ s guns any more than requiring drivers licenses and stop lights is a slippery slope to seizing everyone’s cars.
- that freedom means government should stay out of people’s bedrooms and politicians should not be telling women what they can or cannot do with their wombs.
I will continue to do whatever I think is necessary to protect the country from the real and present danger of lunatic murderers with their sick hate driven belief systems but the world's Hatfields and McCoys war zones will not be fixed with military solutions.
The Republican vision of a society of haves and have nots is not the America that gives us goose bumps when the flag comes by on July 4.
I have tried not to step on toes for the last 6 years and the result has been footprints on my face. So that’s over. As FDR said in 1936 – referring to the same sectors of American society - I welcome their hatred.
Ever have one of those dreams where you don't want to wake up?