OK - you make a good point - or at least you will in a moment .
A guy from New York City who spends two weeks on the tourist track in India - traveling from Delhi, to Veranasi, to Agra, Jaipur, Deogarh, Udaipur to Mumbai has no business pontificating about what's wrong with Indian society
Udaipur |
Taj Palace and Tower and Gateway to India (Mumbai) |
Veranasi (Ganges) |
BUT . . . .
after a drive from Delhi to Agra that was supposed to take 3 hours turned into a 6 and 1/2 hour ride from hell thru the darkened roller coaster of horn honking, weaving in and out chaos, with the added feature of facing trucks without lights coming at us, on our side of the divided highway, in the wrong direction
and absolutely no sign of a cop or any traffic safety rules while occasionally a car belonging to a politician, equipped with a flashing light, demands that everyone else get out of their way - I couldn't help being left with some lasting impressions.
Life in India seems to be the way the Tea Party thinks things should be - no government, no health, safety or transportation infrastructure and no regulations that anyone appears to pay any attention to, while the status quo is kept in place by an institutionalized elite with a very high tolerance of the cavernous gap between the privileged and the masses of desperate poor people who are at, and frequently, over, the edge of survival.
Child without a safety net (Mumbai) |