Too busy counting his $37 million per year salary to be bothered with pesky annoyances like facts and reality - Rush Limbaugh tossed his listeners this piece of raw meat last week condemning the Obama speech one week before the speech.
LIMBAUGH: You see where President Obama, in announcing how he intends to lose the war in Iraq -- sorry, Afghanistan -- or both, actually -- is going to do it, the national address will occur from West Point on December 1st. My question is, will theydetain him? Hopefully.
A week before the commander in chief speaks at West Point while the nation is fighting two wars Rush Limbaugh condemns the speech and calls for a military coup d'etat.
So much for that other pesky annoying thing called patriotism that the right wing has decided to bury for now until some day in the future when they might need to use it again.