This amazing, sad, gifted, bizarre guy's career was a part of our lives for 4 decades. Beginning with his meteoric trajectory, as a cute little kid, with the Jackson 5 - then hitting a peak in the 80s with "Thriller" and again in the 90's with his Superbowl ½ time performance. [I know Im leaving out lots of great music -- 57 years old - no ipod- remember?]
Then the dark clouds of weirdness rolled in. There was the 2 year Lisa Marie Presley marriage. . Squirming turned to shock when he entertained the papparazzi by dangling his infant - Prince Michael II- over a Berlin hotel balcony. The shock became nausea as he started to look less and less like an earthling.
Then we head into the final Mayday Mayday period when it felt like we were slowing down to gape at a horrible car crash - the lawsuit by the molested kid that settled for millions and of course "Neverland" - his backyard child molestation trap exposed in a police raid followed by his arrest, prosecution and acquittal.
And now we enter the 24/7 Michael Jackson is dead news cycle. On the morning after his death my spinning class instructor wore one spangled glove and we sweated to 45 minutes of Michael Jackson hits.
Its not a stretch to predict lawsuits announced by child victims sitting next to well coifed LA lawyers in $2,000 suits.
Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have already had separate press conferences - using this event to emerge from their self imposed "zipped lips elect Obama" exile.
Jackson, as the family spokesman, hints that they may go after the doctor and questions are emerging about the drug cocktail revealed by the autopsy. The family will now tell us they were "shocked" that there was gambling in Rick's Cafe.
Nonetheless it would be a positive thing to shine some light on the fame and money besotted doctors -and all the other parasites in his life - who allowed this sad, lonely, brilliant, talented man to surgically molest and poison himself?