Monday, September 01, 2008

Unlike McCain - Obama never bought the Bush WMD/Iraq - Al Queda war hoax

John McCain not only bought it without question but quickly became one of the leading neo con men pushing the big lie with no weighing of the human, geopolitical or economic consequences

"The Right War for the Right Reasons"

by John McCain, New York Times, Op-Ed, 3/12/03 [excerpts]
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After 12 years of economic sanctions, two different arms-inspection forces, several Security Council resolutions and, now, with more than 200,000 American and British troops at his doorstep, Saddam Hussein still refuses to give up his weapons of mass destruction.
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The critics also have it wrong when they say that the strategy of the United States for the opening hours of the conflict -- likely to involve more than 3,000 precision-guided bombs and missiles in the first two days -- is intended to damage and demoralize the Iraqi people. It is intended to damage and demoralize the Iraqi military and to dissuade Iraqi leaders from using weapons of mass destruction against our forces or against neighboring countries, and from committing further atrocities against the Iraqi people.
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The force our military uses will be less than proportional to the threat of injury we can expect to face should Saddam Hussein continue to build an arsenal of the world's most destructive weapons
