In 1776 George Washington saved the American Revolution by knowing when to retreat from the British in the Battle of Brooklyn.
Senator McCain would you have attacked him for "cutting and running" or should the President of the US have the capacity to understand when, where and how to fight a war?
Senator McCain would you have attacked him for "cutting and running" or should the President of the US have the capacity to understand when, where and how to fight a war?
In 2003 Bush and his shameless gang of violent fundamentalist neoconmen took the nation to war based on a big fat lie- like the sleaziest trial lawyers that ever bamboozled a jury.

In 2003 Bush and his shameless gang of violent fundamentalist neoconmen took the nation to war based on a big fat lie- like the sleaziest trial lawyers that ever bamboozled a jury.
A few months later they dressed Bush up as a pilot and stuck him in the back seat of a fighter jet so he could whoop it up with sailors on an aircraft carrier in the San Diego harbor under a "Mission Accomplished" banner.
There are locked up convicted murderers who are guilty of crimes that are less morally despicable.
Five years after that victory party we have a pretty clear picture of what Bush's mission actually "accomplished";
-Bin Laden was allowed to escape to plan another attack from his hideout in Afghanistan;
- the historic opportunity to lead a united world, militarily and politically, against these stone age mass murderers was lost;
- whatever credibility and good will the US used to have as a world power has been destroyed;
-the troop strength and morale of our armed forces has been devastated and
- the bravery of our troops who trusted their commander in chief has been rewarded with almost 4,000 dead, 10s of thousands wounded
- the population of military families is suffering deeply;
-Iraq has been destroyed and the remaining Iraqis (those who haven't fled or been killed) long for the good old days of Sadaam when they had water and electricity and could go out to buy bread without being blown up;
-the Iranian mullahs are thrilled to pieces that Bush removed the country that was holding them in geo-political check and
-Al Quaida which was not in Iraq before we invaded has been given another base of operations from which they can kill Americans more easily-
-Al Quaida's recruitment efforts are going a lot better than the US Armed forces thanks to Bin Laden's fund-raiser/recruiter in chief - George W.
On the home front Bush's insane war has blown a hole in the US budget that has left us hemorrhaging at a flow of $720 million a day. In each day of his war Bush is flushing down the toilet the cost of 1,153,846 school lunches or 12,000 elementary school teachers - for example.
A heck of job Bushie!
John McCain thinks the war was a good idea and should be escalated without an exit strategy. Kind of makes you wonder if his driveway goes all the way to the garage!
When Republicans send troops into harm's way they control the debate and Democrats are checkmated into silence.(We should be afraid - very afraid about an October surprise)
The next time McCain tells a crowd of conservative white whoopers that we can't end the war because that would be cutting and running would some journalist please ask -
excuse me Senator - we understand that you find it acceptable for the President of the United States to launch a war based on a deliberate lie about WMDs and a fabricated connection between Sadaam and Al Quaida -
but now that your war has lasted longer than World War II - if you become Commander in Chief -
-how many years of this horrendous nightmare in Iraq is too many for you?
-how many billions to accomplish nothing in Iraq is too much money for you?
-is there any number of dead and wounded that is too many for you?
-could you even begin to describe what "winning" the war in Iraq would look like?
and finally
-when does your claim to believe in the sanctity of human life kick in - or for you does that just apply to embryos and people in comas?