Saturday, February 17, 2007

Presidential Campaign 2008 -Dream Press Conference Question for Hillary

Senator Clinton
The Bush administration is driving this country over a cliff with a foreign policy fiasco that they sold to a majority of Congress and the American people like the sleaziest trial lawyers that ever bamboozled a jury.
There are only two alternative explanations for your vote to let them do it- neither one is too pretty.
The first is that you’re human and like most of the other kids in the class, you fell for Colin’s dog and pony show like a ton of bricks - that might let you off the historical hook - but Im not aware of the rule of career advancement that says "if you make a really dumb decision about something very important you get to be the boss". Furthermore, if you did nothing wrong and would do it again how can you be trusted to standup to the upcoming snowjob for a preemptive attack on Iran.

Then there is the other more likely explanation. You knew it was a catastrophic mistake but didn't care because doing the right thing once again lost out to presidential lust - the other kind. The country has been there and done that.
Here’s the question -unless you have a third explanation - why do choices one and two earn you anyone’s vote ?